Mobile & Variable Message Signs

The fastest way to divert traffic in specific situations is using mobile, variable signalization. It is easy to transport and can be quickly delivered to the site of event. Message is then chosen in the context of the situation. For this purpose we install our messaging displays to different trailer chassis and divide them into two groups.

Trailer based LE-xD signs, containing LED matrix graphical display are suitable for almost any traffic situation. They allow almost any content to be written or drawn using red-yellow/white combination.

ZPP-x group is intended for lane closure and lane diversion purposes. LED-light arrow intensity and graphical shape is tailored for excellent visibility from a great distance, in any weather conditions, providing long battery autonomy.

Our stationary variable message signs protect walkways, bridges, tunnels, etc., on spots where specific hazards are present most of the time. Along with various detectors, they form effective means of messaging and increase driver's attention.